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Support for Homeless Students

Help and support to homeless students, such as free school meals, supplies and clothing, is available through the McKinney-Vento Reauthorization Act. 

McKinney– Vento is federal law that provides support for families and unaccompanied youth that live in temporary housing. It also ensures educational rights and protection for youth and children experiencing homelessness.

Who Qualifies under McKinney-Vento?

Children and youth who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth who are:

            •Renting a room from another family

            •Renting a garage from another family

            •Moving between family or friends houses

            •Are in a car, trailer, park or campground

            •Are in a motel or hotel

            •Are in an emergency or transitional shelter

            •Living “doubled up” with another family because of economic hardship

            •Being evicted from current housing in the next 30 days

Assistance is available through the school for children and youth living in any of the above circumstances.

For more information, see your counselor or click here:  Homeless Education Project brochure HEP.pdf   

For Resources for Homeless People in Eastern Ventura County (medical, clothing, legal, etc.) click here: Homeless services brochure