Lynda McKnight, Registrar
Need Transcripts: Please contact
New Student Enrollment
All new enrollments MUST provide COPIES of the following:
- Completed Enrollment forms Enrollment Form in English Enrollment Form in Spanish
- Unofficial Transcripts
- Proof of Immunizations
- Proof of Residency (utility bill, escrow papers, lease agreements)
- ELPAC scores & birth certificate if ESL (English as Second Language) student
- Withdrawal form (if enrolling during school year)
Current seniors can log in to their Naviance account, go to the Colleges tab and click on the Colleges I'm Applying to link. Under the Common App Matching Box is a blue link entitled Request Transcripts. Click on the box, fill out the information needed, then click the Request Transcripts button at the bottom of the page.
Attention Graduating Seniors
- Sign up to have official transcripts sent to the college you will be attending prior to June 15.
- If you have attended a Simi school since kindergarten, see the registrar for special pictures
Congratulations on your graduation from Royal High School and good luck to you in your future endeavors!
Any student who has attended Royal High School:
Please fill out this form to request your transcripts from Royal High School: Order Transcripts Here
Send a written request and enclose $5.00 in cash, cashier's check or money order. Include the following information:
- Name on School Records
- Year of Graduation
- Date of Birth
- Address where you want your transcripts mailed
- Your phone number or email address
If you have any questions, please contact harriet.hunsaker@simivalleyusd.org
There is a $35.00 charge for duplicate diplomas.
Withdrawal Procedures
- Parent or legal guardian requests withdrawal form in Records Office
- Student brings withdrawal form, books, and chrome book to Library for clearance
- Return ID card to ASB office and obtain signature
- Return withdrawal form to Records Office
GPA/ Enrollment Verification
- Cal Grant GPAs will be submitted to the CSAC for all junior and senior students unless an opt out form has been provided to the Registrar.
- Opt out forms are available in the counseling office.
- Employers or Education Verification Agencies should send faxed request with signed release. (Response may take up to 5 days)